Meet the Photographer


Hey There!
I'm Mikaela, the face behind Mikaela Joy Photography

Each of us has a story to tell, but why so often do we find ourselves hiding instead?  I'm talking to you, mom in the over sized sweatshirt, and you, girl hiding behind your book.  I was you not that long ago.

Now I want you to think for a second. When was the last time you had your portrait taken?  No, those drunken selfies with your girlfriends don't count.  I'm talking about a flattering, professional, hang it on the wall type of portrait- the kind that makes you feel beautiful.

Let's just say it's been a while.  At least it had been for me.  Up until recently, my only response to a request for headshots or portraits of myself would have been my senior pictures.

It occurred to me one day how sad that was.  My walls, albums, and hard drives were full of pictures of my son and yet I wasn't in any of them.

Many years from now, I won't be around to tell my son stories of our lives together.  All he will have left is distant memories and the photos I leave behind.  I will sure to be in them.

So I ask you this.  As you look around at the photos on your wall and the albums on your shelf, how will you be remembered?  It just might be time for an update.


Mikaela Joy talks about why she loves photography and her inspiration behind starting her business.