
Leah White Sands | Mikaela Joy: El Paso Portrait Photographer

Ok here's what I need to know- How in the heck did it take me this long to make my way out to White Sands?  I've lived in El Paso off and on for 3 years now and this was my first trip out there.  What? This place is seriously cool.

Leah and I packed up early in the morning for a day trip.  I brought my cameras because, well, I always bring my cameras, but I wasn't planning a photoshoot.  But when I saw how pretty it was, I knew I had to have Leah model for me.  Luckily, I never clean my car, and so I had some pretty dresses and a big floppy hat in the truck.  And we came out with some beautiful images.

Of course we played some too.  We ran around in the sand, sledded, and I even got behind the camera for a bit (Photo credit to Leah for the photos of me- she did an awesome job!)  We had such a great time! I definitely won't be hesitating about the drive next time I have an idea to go out to White Sands!

Martibeth | Mikaela Joy: El Paso Portrait Photographer

Martibeth | Mikaela Joy: El Paso Portrait Photographer

Ah El Paso.  When it rains here it REALLY rains.  I somehow missed monsoon season when I lived here years ago (something about the driest couple years here in a really long time), so when I first heard the little pitter patter of raindrops on my roof, I was confused...