new year

Hello 2018- 2017 in Review | Mikaela Joy: El Paso Portrait Photographer

Wow, we are already halfway through January and I still haven't done a year in review for 2017.  Where does the time go? I think I'm still recovering from my Washington vacation.  A 24 hour drive with toddlers and pets is no joke! But more on that later.

Right now I want to talk about this past year.  2017 has been a good one.  It started with a move to El Paso and ended up being a year of self discovery.  This year was focused on personal projects and getting lots of photos of my family- the important stuff! 

In terms of personal projects, the highlight of this year for me was learning film.  I learned to shoot film in several different formats on several different vintage cameras, and then learned how to process both c41 (color) and black and white film.  It definitely didn't turn out great at first, but learning film has been a really fun adventure that I'm excited to continue next year.  

I'm not going to make a lot of big resolutions about what 2018 has in store.  If I'm perfectly honest, 2018 has started with a decent amount of time spent on the couch, watching movies with family and just being lazy.  And I'm ok with that.  Everyone always goes into the new year with big plans and they rarely turn out.  So instead my plan for the new year is just to go with the flow.  I hope to turn out some really cool personal projects this year, spend lots of time with friends and family, read a lot of good books, go on some adventures, and to try new things whenever I can.

Speaking of adventures, I'm planning some awesome road trips this year and I would LOVE recommendations on places I need to see/photograph.  Anywhere withing 10ish hours of El Paso is game- little man and I are looking forward to some road trips!

Happy New Year! | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

Well, that' s a wrap!  It's the end of 2016 and it's been a heck of a year.  I've worked with so many amazing people this year and, with the addition of my studio space, have been able to really explore the things that I can do with a camera.  

And I'm so excited to do it again.  2017, for me, will be all about change.   I'll be moving to El Paso, Texas and starting completely fresh.  I hope to meet and capture as many beautiful faces as I have in this past year and, like I am now, I hope that as 2018 rolls in I'll be looking back thinking, "Wow, look how much I've grown."

My new year's resolution is simple this year- keep moving forward.  No matter what challenges I face as everything around me changes, I plan to that simple goal.  Onward and upward!

Happy 2017 everyone!

Contact me to book your 2017 portrait session today!

2015 Wrap Up

Okay so I know I'm a few days late for this post.  It's been 2016 for 3 days now, and I'm just now getting around to reminiscing about 2015.  I'm a little behind. But I rung in the new year on a Red Eye Flight with a baby, so I've needed a little rest. After my obligatory two days of laying around the house in footie pajamas while playing call of duty, I'm back.

2015. It's been a good year!  I've spent more time behind the camera this year than I have ever before.  I've learned a lot and have finally got some big prints on the wall.  Of course the highlight of this year has definitely been watching my son grow up, but that will have to be a whole other post.  That is just too large of a subject.

Rather than talk about it,  I think I'll just show you what a great year its been.  Riley photos, however are not included in this go round.  You get enough of those on a daily basis, I'm sure.

So without further ado, here are 20 of my favorite photos from 2015.

A look back at 2015- 20 of the best images by Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family and Portrait Photographer

Normally I start the year off with big plans and New Years Resolutions.  Every year I make a  list and resolve to start fresh on January 1st, changing nearly everything.  It feels like such a clean place to start.

But the fact of the matter is, life doesn't work like that.  All my problems, worries, and bad habits don't just reset because of some arbitrary date and time. So this year I decided to do things a bit differently.  Rather than making plans for the new year, I made new plans a couple months ago.  I decided to kick off my new life right then and there and I haven't looked back. 

So while I do have big plans for the next year, I'm changing my focus.  I'm working on my bigger goals by focusing on what I can do this week, what I can do today.

This is the year that I'm going to make things happen, for myself and for my family. How can I be so sure?  Because I won't accept anything else.

What are your big goals and plans for the next year?  Lets chat about it in the comments & start working to make this year even better than the last!

Vacation Time

It's the holidays and this year that means it's time for vacation!  I am no longer dreaming of snow, but instead visiting Colorado, soaking in the cold weather.  I'll be hitting the slopes, building snowmen, and waking up at the wee hours of the day to photograph the gorgeous mountain landscapes. I couldn't be happier with that plan.

I'll be kicking off the New Year with some exciting new ideas, but until then it's time for some end of the year relaxation.

So happy holidays! Enjoy this holiday season with the people you love.  That's what I'll be doing!